Liechtenstein Study Using Biometric Braclets Aims to Combat Coronavirus Pandemic

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On April 15, a project was launched in Liechtenstein to develop a real-time coronavirus tracking program through the use of special, biometric bracelets. Under the pilot project, a select number of Liechtensteiners will be offered a bracelet, originally developed to monitor female fertility cycles, which will trace skin temperature, heart rate and breathing frequencies.

A Grammy For Liechtenstein Artist Al Walser

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At the 62nd Annual Grammy Awards on January 26, 2020 " Ageless Songs for the Child Archetype" won the Grammy for Best Children's Album. The album's artist, Jon Samson, received the Grammy along with the album's producer Al Walser, who is from Liechtenstein. For Grammys awarded in the "Best Album" category, Grammys are awarded to both the artist and producer. We talked with Mr. Walser about his incredible accomplishment and what brought him to where he is today.

President Trump Congratulates Liechtenstein on its Tricentennial

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On October 2, US Ambassador to Liechtenstein and Switzerland, Edward McMullen, hosted a reception in Vaduz celebrating US-Liechtenstein relations. As a highlight of the occasion, Ambassador McMullen presented H.S.H. Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein a letter signed by US President Donald Trump congratulating Liechtenstein on its 300th anniversary. A description of the event can be found on the website of the US Embassy in Bern.

Liechtenstein Chamber of Commerce and Industry Visits Washington

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On December 10 and 11 a delegation representing the Liechtenstein Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) visited Washington to highlight Liechtenstein economic footprint in the United States. The group consisted of Klaus Risch, LCCI President and Trustee of the Martin Hilti Family Trust which owns the Hilti Corporation; H.S.H.

Hereditary Prince Alois Visits Washington

Primary media

On September 26 and 27 H.S.H. Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein visited Washington, DC. The visit served as an opportunity to promote Liechtenstein's international initiatives, its unique integration with the European Union, while also celebrating strong Liechtenstein-US relations during Liechtenstein's tricentennial year.