In October 2000, the United Nations Security Council passed Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325), creating the “Women and Peace and Security” (WPS) agenda, drawing attention to women and girls during conflict. Nine WPS Resolutions followed and expanded the agenda to better respond to women and girls experience of violence as a result of armed conflict, and their inherent right to participate in peace negotiations and reconstruction efforts. In April 2019, the ninth WPS resolution 2467 for the first time recognized the specific targeting of men and boys in conflict and post conflict settings urging appropriate responses for male survivors and urges member states “to strengthen policies that offer appropriate responses and challenge cultural assumptions about male invulnerability”. Join WIIS and the Embassy of Liechtenstein, Washington DC on December 2, 2021 at 1:00 PM for virtual which will bring together academic experts, policy makers and State representatives to: Highlight the causes and gendered impacts of conflict related sexual violence on all individuals; Discuss how the adoption of a comprehensive and inclusive gender perspective can build complement and strengthen prevention, protection and participation; Explore how heteronormative approaches can be addressed by the inclusion of sexual orientation, gender identity and or expression within the WPS framework.