Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Foreign Minister Dominique Hasler visited New York from March 14-16. There she met with UN Secretary General António Guterres to discuss the European security in light of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the grave humanitarian situation and the ongoing diplomatic efforts. The Liechtenstein Government strongly condemns the aggression against Ukraine, and stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, supporting refugees and humanitarian relief in the war-torn areas and neighboring countries. Liechtenstein places particular importance on the need for criminal accountability for those responsible for the grave international crimes committed in Ukraine.

Foreign Minister Hasler also took the opportunity to pay a visit to the Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination (LISD) at Princeton University, a long-term partner in Liechtenstein’s foreign policy efforts. The LISD supports research, publication and teaching on topics related to the right of self-determination, a founding principle of the international rules-based order.

From left: Liechtenstein's Ambassador to the US Georg Sparber, LISD Founding Director Wolfgang Danspeckgruber, Liechtenstein Foreign Minister Dominique Hasler, LISD Director Andrew Moravcsik and LISD Executive Director Nadia Crisan. Photo credit: LISD Princeton.
In her lecture "Freedom and Self-Determination in Times of Aggression,” Foreign Minister Hasler addressed the long-term implications of the Ukraine war on the rule of law. "We have witnessed a frontal aggression against Ukraine, a founding member of the United Nations, and an assault on the international rule of law of historic gravity. This has also been a direct attack against the founding principles of the United Nations – the ultimate guardian of State sovereignty also for Liechtenstein," she said in her remarks.