On June 9th, 2017, Liechtenstein’s parliament ratified the Paris Climate Accord signed on December 12th, 2015 by 175 countries. The agreement seeks to limit CO2 emissions in order to fight against global warming.

Liechtenstein has agreed to cut emissions by 40% based on 1990 levels and will every five years submit a new reduction target which cannot be lower than previous ones. According to the government, 30% reductions are to be achieved through domestic measures and 10% through the purchase of CO2 certificates.
Foreign Minister Aurelia Frick said that the goal is ambitious but realistic – she is confident that Liechtenstein will fill, and perhaps surpass, its obligations.
In addition to the Paris Climate Accord, Liechtenstein is a state party to numerous international environmental agreements including in the fields of climate, biodiversity, chemicals, air, water and protection of species. Of particular importance to Liechtenstein in this regard are – at the global level – the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Climate Convention), the associated Kyoto Protocol, the Convention on Biodiversity (Biodiversity Convention) and – at the European level – the Convention on the Protection of the Alps (Alpine Convention). Liechtenstein’s environmental policy is also extensively and directly shaped by membership in the Swiss and European economic areas, including through the incorporation of the relevant European Union legal acts.