On October 2, US Ambassador to Liechtenstein and Switzerland, Edward McMullen, hosted a reception in Vaduz celebrating US-Liechtenstein relations. As a highlight of the occasion, Ambassador McMullen presented H.S.H. Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein a letter signed by US President Donald Trump congratulating Liechtenstein on its 300th anniversary. A description of the event can be found on the website of the US Embassy in Bern.

The following is the text of the letter from President Donald Trump:
"Your Serene Highness,
On behalf of the American people, I send my best wishes to the people of Liechtenstein as you celebrate 300 years of independence.
Since the beginning of the bilateral relationship between our two countries, Liechtenstein has been a valued and steadfast partner. The United States especially commends your dedication to fighting financial crime and providing humanitarian assistance to the victims of terrorism and civil strife. My administration is also pleased that Liechtenstein companies have created thousands of jobs in the Unites States.
I look forward to continued friendship and cooperation between the United States and Liechtenstein.
Donald Trump"