On November 15, 2023 Liechtenstein took over the rotating Presidency of the Council of Europe for six months. Founded in 1949, the Council of Europe promotes human rights, the rule of law and democracy in Europa and beyond. As a member since 1978, Liechtenstein is committed to strengthen these principles during its tenure as President under the motto “shared values, shared future”.

In an increasingly challenging security environment and complex geopolitical situation, the work of the Council of Europe is of enormous importance to strengthening the rule of law and can make a key contribution to a stable and peaceful world. As President, Liechtenstein will pay “particular attention to the protection of women’s rights with activities to combat violence against women and domestic violence” and Liechtenstein will use the role “to support the international efforts to ensuring accountability for Russia’s brutal war of aggression against Ukraine,” as stated by Liechtenstein Foreign Minister Dominique Hasler.
Liechtenstein is fully committed to multilateral diplomacy and to the system of the Council of Europe and its institutions and will continue to be a reliable and committed partner in Europe, the United States and for our partners around the world. For more information about Liechtenstein's priorities, click here.