Ambassador Sparber Visits Wyoming & South Dakota

Thursday, October 10, 2024

From September 30 to October 2, 2024, Ambassador Georg Sparber visited Wyoming and South Dakota to deepen bilateral relations and explore areas of collaboration, focusing on innovation in digital finance, advanced manufacturing, and international trade. The visit facilitated high-level discussions with government officials, business leaders, and academic institutions, furthering Liechtenstein’s ties with these partners.

From Left: Anthony Apollo, Ambassador Sparber, First Lady Gordon, Governor Gordon, Senator Rothfuss, and Kristi Racines.


Wyoming: Learning from each other on Digital Finance and Blockchain Technology

In Wyoming, The Equality State, Ambassador Georg Sparber was honored to be hosted by Governor Mark Gordon and First Lady Jennie Gordon for dinner at the Governor’s Mansion in Cheyenne. This was an excellent opportunity to discuss current political developments, potential avenues of cooperation and to explore both Liechtenstein’s and Wyoming’s leadership in regulating and fostering innovation in digital finance and the token economy. They were also joined by State Senator Chris Rothfuss, Anthony Apollo, Director of the Wyoming Stable Token initiative, and Kristi Racines, Wyoming State Auditor.

Ambassador Sparber with Wyoming Secretary of State Chuck Gray.


Ambassador Sparber also had the pleasure of meeting with Wyoming Secretary of State Chuck Gray to discuss bilateral relations and gain insights into economic development, as well as Wyoming’s innovative approach to digital asset governance. He also held discussions with key leaders from the State legislature, the University of Wyoming and the private sector.

South Dakota: Focus on Trade, Manufacturing, and Economic Cooperation

Ambassador Sparber with South Dakota Lieutenant Governor Larry Rhoden.


In South Dakota, Ambassador Sparber had the privilege to meet with Lieutenant Governor Larry Rhoden, to explore areas for deeper cooperation in sectors like advanced manufacturing and international trade. Liechtenstein and South Dakota share a strong commitment to innovation and trade in the industrial sector.

Ambassador Sparber speaks that the Rapid City Manufacturing and Trade Summit.


On the invitation of Luke J. Lindberg, President and CEO of South Dakota Trade, Ambassador Sparber attended the Rapid City Manufacturing and Trade Summit to showcase Liechtenstein’s economy and its role in global trade, emphasizing the Principality’s contributions to US supply chains through its high-tech manufacturing. For decades, Liechtenstein companies have been reliable partners in the US and other international markets.