
Ambassador Sparber Visits Wyoming & South Dakota

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From September 30 to October 2, 2024, Ambassador Georg Sparber visited Wyoming and South Dakota to deepen bilateral relations and explore areas of collaboration, focusing on innovation in digital finance, advanced manufacturing, and international trade. The visit facilitated high-level discussions with government officials, business leaders, and academic institutions, furthering Liechtenstein’s ties with these partners.

Agreement Establishing a Strategic and Economic Partnership Dialogue Signed with US

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On Wednesday, August 14, 2024, Foreign Minister Dominique Hasler and the Ambassador of the United States of America to Liechtenstein, Scott Miller, signed an agreement to establish a Strategic and Economic Partnership Dialogue. With the agreement, the two countries commit to regular meetings at senior official level and an even closer exchange on topics of bilateral, global and multilateral interest.

Liechtenstein’s Deputy Prime Minister Sabine Monauni Visits the United States

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From April 29 to May 2, Deputy Prime Minister Sabine Monauni, who is Liechtenstein’s Minister of Home Affairs, Economy and Environment, visited the US. In Washington, DC she held bilateral talks on Liechtenstein - US economic relations. The US is one of Liechtenstein’s most important economic and trading partners with Liechtenstein companies providing over 6’300 US jobs, against its population of 40’000.

Ambassador Sparber Visits Pittsburgh

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On April 8 and 9, 2024 Ambassador Georg Sparber visited Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was hosted by the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (GSPIA) and Pitt Global, the university’s department of global affairs.

Liechtenstein and United States Sign MOU on Apprenticeships

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On March 21, Foreign Minister Dominique Hasler and Scott Miller, US Ambassador to Liechtenstein and Switzerland, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on apprenticeships and work-based learning. The MOU will allow relevant stakeholders to promote cooperation among industry, labor, education and government to strengthen “apprenticeships that equip students and workers across a broad range of industries and sectors with competencies developed and valued by the private sector, and that can lead to quality jobs,” as stated in the MOU.

Foreign Minister Hasler Visits Washington

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On March 13 and 14, Dominique Hasler, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Education and Sport, visited Washington, DC for bilateral meetings and, as current Chair of the Committee of Ministers in the Council of Europe, for a dialogue at the Organization of American States.

Foreign Minister Hasler Visits Atlanta

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From December 9-13, Dominique Hasler, Liechtenstein’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Education and Sport, traveled to Atlanta, Georgia where she participated in the opening of the 10th Session of the Conference of the State Parties (CoSP) to the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) hosted by the United States.

Liechtenstein Assumes Presidency of the Council of Europe

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On November 15, 2023 Liechtenstein took over the rotating Presidency of the Council of Europe for six months. Founded in 1949, the Council of Europe promotes human rights, the rule of law and democracy in Europa and beyond. As a member since 1978, Liechtenstein is committed to strengthen these principles during its tenure as President under the motto “shared values, shared future”.

Ambassador Sparber Visits Rhode Island

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From September 26-27, 2023, Ambassador Georg Sparber traveled to Newport and Providence, Rhode Island. In Newport, Ambassador Sparber was welcomed by the Pell Center at Salve Regina University where he was featured in a discussion on the war in Ukraine, the rule of law and the importance of the United Nations. Ambassador Sparber’s visit continued a long tradition of strong ties between Liechtenstein and Salve Regina University, especially with its Pell Center.

Hereditary Prince Alois and Hereditary Princess Sophie Visit Princeton University

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From September 15-16, 2023, Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein and Hereditary Princess Sophie of Liechtenstein visited the Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination (LISD) at Princeton University. During their visit, the Princely couple met with the leadership of Princeton University, the School of Public and International Affairs, the LISD, as well as faculty and students. They also had the opportunity to meet with LISD alumni, members of the University community, and of the township at a formal reception.

H.S.H. Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein Visits Washington

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From June 11 to 12, H.S.H. Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein's Acting Head of State since 2004, traveled to Washington, D.C. The purpose of his visit was to participate in a series of congressional meetings focused on current challenges and bilateral relations between Liechtenstein and the United States.

LGT Young Soloists Perform in DC Area

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From March 14-19, the award-winning string ensemble LGT Young Soloists (sponsored by LGT Private Banking) conducted a tour in Washington and Baltimore. The group is made up of highly talented young soloists between the ages of 13 and 23 from over 20 nations. Since its founding in 2013, the LGT Young Soloists have established themselves as one of the leading youth orchestras worldwide.

Ambassador Sparber Visits Georgia

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From May 31 to June 1, 2023, Ambassador Sparber traveled to Atlanta and Macon, Georgia. On May 31, Ambassador Sparber was welcomed in Atlanta by  Dr. Bruce S. Allen, Honorary Consul of Liechtenstein to the South and Southeastern United States, and his wife Jennifer. Later they travelled to the Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park in Macon, GA where they viewed prehistoric Native American ceremonial and burial mounds. Ambassador Sparber was also able to meet with Macon-Bibb Mayor T.H.

Prime Minister Daniel Risch Participates in the 2023 Summit for Democracy

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On the invitation of US President Joe Biden, Prime Minister Daniel Risch participated in the 2023 Summit for Democracy. The meeting, attended by around 120 heads of state and governments, was held virtually. President Biden called it a historic turning point and emphasized that the decisions made by the democracies of the world today will be decisive for the coming decades.

Ambassador Sparber Visits Missouri

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From October 25-26 Ambassador Georg Sparber visited Missouri where he toured the operations of Major Custom Cable which was recently acquired by the Liechtenstein company Neutrik.

Liechtenstein Participates at the General Assembly of the Organization of American States

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From 5 – 7 October, Ambassador Georg Sparber traveled to Lima, Peru, to participate in the 52nd Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly. As Permanent Observer to the OAS, Liechtenstein participated in the Dialogue between Member States of the OAS and Permanent Observers on the theme of this year's GA, "Together against inequality and discrimination". The Liechtenstein statement is available here.

Ambassador Sparber Visits Amherst, NY and Charlotte, NC

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With over 45% of its economy dedicated to manufacturing, Liechtenstein companies are leaders in their respective fields. As vital participants in the transatlantic and global supply chain of goods, Liechtenstein products can be found everywhere from your dentist's office to the steering system in your car, construction sites and components in music and audio equipment. Liechtenstein companies are found throughout the US, providing for upwards of 5000 jobs.

Foreign Minister Hasler Visits Princeton University

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Foreign Minister Dominique Hasler visited New York from March 14-16. There she met with UN Secretary General António Guterres to discuss the European security in light of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the grave humanitarian situation and the ongoing diplomatic efforts. The Liechtenstein Government strongly condemns the aggression against Ukraine, and stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, supporting refugees and humanitarian relief in the war-torn areas and neighboring countries.

A 25 Year Milestone in Liechtenstein-US Diplomatic Relations

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On March 14, 2022, Liechtenstein and the United States paid tribute to a significant benchmark in their bilateral relations, namely 25 years since the first US Ambassador was accredited to Liechtenstein. In a post to Twitter, Ned Price, Spokesperson for the US Department of State stated: "Today marks 25 years of diplomatic relations between the United States and Liechtenstein.

Ambassador Sparber Visits Texas

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In mid-February Ambassador Georg Sparber traveled to Texas. His visit to the Lone Star State began in Dallas with a private tour of The Warehouse on February 16. The exhibit "Sound as Sculpture" features a work on loan from the permanent collection of the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, a work by Emilio Prini called “5 sistemi percettivi per ambiente”.

Promoting Best-Practices and Protections in Blockchain Technology

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When one thinks of blockchain, many may associate it primarily with cryptocurrency. However, blockchain, or distributed ledger technology, has infinite applications that can be applied to numerous business models to streamline things like keeping track of supply chains, medical records or attribute legal rights to various assets, properties and services.

Foreign Minister Dominique Hasler Visits the United States

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From 19 to 27 September, Dominique Hasler, Liechtenstein’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Education and Sports, traveled to the United States. She attended the United Nations General Assembly in New York, held numerous meetings in Washington, DC and also visited Chicago to inaugurate Liechtenstein's newest Honorary Consul.

Traveling to Liechtenstein

Due to Liechtenstein's customs union with Switzerland, Swiss COVID-19 travel-related regulations also apply when traveling to Liechtenstein. As stated on the website of the Embassy of Switzerland to the United States, "effective June 26, 2021 the USA is not considered a high-risk country anymore and therefore, the regular entry conditions apply.

Armbands Detect Covid Symptoms Days Before They Appear

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In April 2020, a project was launched in Liechtenstein to develop a coronavirus tracking program through the use of special, biometric bracelets. Under the pilot project, known as the COVI-GAPP study, roughly 1100 Liechtensteiners were offered a bracelet, originally developed the Swiss company Ava AG, to monitor female fertility cycles, which traced skin temperature, heart rate and breathing frequencies.

New Government Sworn In

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On March 25, a newly formed coalition Government for the legislative period 2021-2025 was sworn in. It is composed of Prime Minister Daniel Risch of the VU (Vaterländische Union - Patriotic Union), Deputy Prime Minister Sabine Monauni of the FBP (Fortschrittliche Bürgerpartei - Progressive Citizens Party) and further members of the Government, namely Dominique Hasler (VU), Graziella Marok-Wachter (VU) and Manuel Frick (FBP).

Liechtenstein Holds Parliamentary Elections


On February 7, Liechtenstein held parliamentary elections. Never before in Liechtenstein's history have the election results been so close. Liechtenstein's two largest parties, the FBP (Fortschrittliche Bürgerpartei - Progressive Citizens Party) and the Vaterländische Union (VU - Patriotic Union), won 10 seats each out of the 25 parliamentary seats available. The Head of Government position traditionally goes to the winning party.

Liechtenstein Study Using Biometric Braclets Aims to Combat Coronavirus Pandemic

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On April 15, a project was launched in Liechtenstein to develop a real-time coronavirus tracking program through the use of special, biometric bracelets. Under the pilot project, a select number of Liechtensteiners will be offered a bracelet, originally developed to monitor female fertility cycles, which will trace skin temperature, heart rate and breathing frequencies.

A Grammy For Liechtenstein Artist Al Walser

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At the 62nd Annual Grammy Awards on January 26, 2020 " Ageless Songs for the Child Archetype" won the Grammy for Best Children's Album. The album's artist, Jon Samson, received the Grammy along with the album's producer Al Walser, who is from Liechtenstein. For Grammys awarded in the "Best Album" category, Grammys are awarded to both the artist and producer. We talked with Mr. Walser about his incredible accomplishment and what brought him to where he is today.

President Trump Congratulates Liechtenstein on its Tricentennial

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On October 2, US Ambassador to Liechtenstein and Switzerland, Edward McMullen, hosted a reception in Vaduz celebrating US-Liechtenstein relations. As a highlight of the occasion, Ambassador McMullen presented H.S.H. Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein a letter signed by US President Donald Trump congratulating Liechtenstein on its 300th anniversary. A description of the event can be found on the website of the US Embassy in Bern.

Liechtenstein Chamber of Commerce and Industry Visits Washington

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On December 10 and 11 a delegation representing the Liechtenstein Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) visited Washington to highlight Liechtenstein economic footprint in the United States. The group consisted of Klaus Risch, LCCI President and Trustee of the Martin Hilti Family Trust which owns the Hilti Corporation; H.S.H.

Hereditary Prince Alois Visits Washington

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On September 26 and 27 H.S.H. Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein visited Washington, DC. The visit served as an opportunity to promote Liechtenstein's international initiatives, its unique integration with the European Union, while also celebrating strong Liechtenstein-US relations during Liechtenstein's tricentennial year.

Students from the Liechtenstein International Academy of Music Perform in Washington

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From April 1-9 five students from the Liechtenstein International Academy of Music spent time in Washington, DC. The students came upon invitation by the Ryuji Ueno Foundation and took part in the organization's Washington Semester Leadership Program. The students participated in lectures, coaching sessions and also visited Shenandoah University where they were able to meet and interact with other advanced students of music.

Liechtenstein Featured in National Geographic Traveler

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In its February/March 2019 issue, National Geographic Traveler featured Liechtenstein’s capital of Vaduz as a “Smart City” for its commitment to accessing clean energy. In 2018 Liechtenstein once again topped the list of per capita production of solar energy by the organization SolarSuperState.

OECD Global Forum Once Again Attests Liechtenstein a High Degree of Compliance With International Tax Standards

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On March 18, 2019 the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's (OECD) Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (Global Forum) found that the legal framework and practice in Liechtenstein are to a large extent compliant with international standards on administrative assistance in tax matters. In its second-round peer review, Liechtenstein again received an overall rating of "Largely Compliant" (in the same category as the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom and Austria).

Ambassador Jaeger Visits Neutrik in North Carolina

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On June 27 Ambassador Kurt Jaeger traveled to Charlotte, NC to visit the Liechtenstein company Neutrik USA. Neutrik is a global leading supplier of professional entertainment connector products such as audio, video, digital, and fiber optic connectors. In the US the company employs 20 people and globally has a staff of about 1,000.

Embassy of Liechtenstein and WIIS Host Event on Youth, Peace and Security

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The Embassy of Liechtenstein partnered with Women In International Security (WIIS) to host a roundtable discussion about “Youth, Peace and Security” on June 13th. The event occurred at the International Center for Research on Women and attracted about 60 attendees. The engaging conversation explored the significance and challenges of the UN Youth, Peace and Security agenda, particularly in regards to its assumptions about youth and gender.

Bringing Innovation to Language Learning for Migrants and Refugees

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In the midst of the refugee crisis four years ago, representatives of various religions met at the Berlin residence of H.S.H. Prince Stefan of Liechtenstein, the Ambassador of Liechtenstein to Germany at the time. During the meeting, participants discussed ways to improve the linguistic integration of refugees into European society. The final product of the meeting was the creation of a language course project named ‘Liechtenstein Languages’, also called LieLa for short.

Skiing Down a Mountain of Success

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Tina Weirather’s Olympic success in winning a bronze medal in the Women’s Super-G skiing brought joy to the Principality unparalleled since Paul Frommelt won Liechtenstein’s last medal in Calgary in 1988 in men’s slalom.

Ambassador Jaeger Visits Ivoclar Vivadent in Amherst, NY

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Ivoclar Vivadent is one of the world’s leading dental companies, supplying high-quality products to dentists and dental technicians, and a global leader in the manufacturing of ceramic teeth and prostheses. November 20-21 Ambassador Kurt Jaeger visited the North American headquarters of Ivoclar Vivadent in Amherst, New York. Ambassador Jaeger was received by the company’s top leadership including CEO Bob Ganley.

Embassy of Liechtenstein and WIIS Co-Host Event Series on Gender, Peace, and Security

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On September 18, the think tank Women in International Security (WIIS) and the Embassy of Liechtenstein launched a roundtable series on security and gender challenges. The Gender, Peace, and Security series provides a forum for bringing together a diverse group of experts and policymakers to advance gender considerations in security policy discussions.

Major League Soccer Gets a Liechtenstein Boost

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During his soccer career Nicolas Hasler has played for Vaduz, Triesen, Balzers, and Eschen – all of them towns in Liechtenstein. Then he got a call from Toronto FC. One week later he left his home country and has been playing in North America's Major League Soccer (MLS), culminating in the December 9 win of the MLS Cup.

Liechtenstein Creation at the National Gallery of Art

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On October 23, Martin Frommelt became the first Liechtenstein artist to display his work at the National Gallery of Art (NGA) in Washington, D.C. Curator Jonathan Bober was delighted to add Frommelt’s Creation to the NGA’s graphic collection.

In Atlanta: Steaks with a Pinch of Liechtenstein

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Kaiser’s Chophouse, in Sandy Springs, GA, just north of Atlanta, offers quality cuts of meats, superior ingredients, and a boutique wine and cocktail program. Growing up in Liechtenstein, the restaurant’s chef and co-owner fell in love with cooking in one of Liechtenstein’s most renowned restaurants.

Liechtenstein Signs BEPS Convention

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On June 7th, 2017, Liechtenstein signed the Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) by large international corporations. Liechtenstein is one of 76 states and territories which has accepted or signed the convention. The Multilateral Instrument (MLI) is the product of efforts by the Organization for Economic...

Liechtenstein's Kaiser AG Acquires American Premier Manufacturing

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In June the Liechtenstein industrial company Kaiser AG bought 100% of Premier Oilfield Equipment, a US manufacturer of hydrovac vehicles. The manufacturer, based in Fort Morgan, Colorado, has historically produced specialty tanks, vacuum trailers, and hydro-excavators to the oil and gas industry. From left: Kaiser AG CEO Markus Kaiser and Kaiser Premier CEO Dan Weber. Markus...

Ambassador Jaeger Visits Texas

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May 8-9 Ambassador Jaeger visited two Liechtenstein companies that have their North American Headquarters based in Texas, namely Hilti, a maker of drilling and fastening tools for the construction industry, and RiceTec, a producer of hybrid rice seed. Ambassador Kurt Jaeger with Hilti President and CEO for North America Avi Kahn. Ambassador Jaeger's visit started off in Plano,...

Spirited Liechtenstein

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Wine has been grown in Liechtenstein for over 2,000 years, with the first boom in production coming during the Roman occupation. Viniculture dwindled, however, in the first centuries after the Alemanni pushed the Romans out. Starting with the Christianization of Liechtenstein in the 4th century, wine production started to increase once more, with monks encouraging its production. ...

Liechtenstein for Hikers

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Nestled on the banks of the Rhine and high in the Alps, Liechtenstein offers hiking experiences for all ages and skill sets. Featuring 250 miles of maintained trails, alpine views, crystal clear brooks, and blooming meadows come standard in Liechtenstein. There are nearly a dozen different trails to choose from, ranging from gentle walks along the banks of the Rhine to challenging climbs in...